07775 883 435 or 020 8568 8922

What Our Clients Say

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All common preconceptions that people have regarding builders can be dispelled where RW1Build is concerned! We had relatively small-scale but complicated work done on our house in Ealing during the early months of this year, which involved a range of skills and some time-sensitive deadlines.

A team is as good as its leader, which is certainly the case here. The communication between Rob Williams and his team, and between them all and us, was excellent throughout. There was advice, discussion and solutions offered at every stage. We were fairly demanding as clients, but any anxieties, issues and panics were received with good humour and constructive reassurance!

There was an overall sense of style and cohesion and vision, which we very much welcomed. The fact that the team had done so much other work in the same area over so many years was a massive plus. We felt we were in totally safe hands. Our recommendation is total and without reservation. A wonderful find.

Yours faithfully

Elinor, Northfields, Ealing

I Love RW1 Build